Rudransu Astro



Vaastu is derived from Vasanivase which means the place suitable for living. Vastu is a science of architecture. It dates back to Vedas, which are the most ancient books of knowledge. While Astrology is said to be Vedanga (the limb of Veda), Vastu is said to be a Upaveda(minor Veda).

Vastu deals with how to select a plot, and making the plot ready for construction. It is ideal to have a plot in Square or Rectangular form and aligned properly in the four main directions. Then a compound wall must be constructed first. The plot must be divided into 81 squares of equal size, and a plan should be drawn. Then construction work should start after offerings are made to Vastu Purusha and other deities and planets. Vastu also gives advice on how to match the name of a person to the place where he wants to live, and how to find the direction for main entrance into his house. A general placement of rooms in a house is given in the diagram.

There are four types of Vastu:


Deals with selection of a site/land


Deals with Palaces and buildings


Deals with Vehicles, carts and ships


Deals with furniture, tools &utensils.

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