Rudransu Astro

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Rudransu Astro

Rudransu Astro provides astrological consultation after closely analyzing a birth chart / horoscope / horoscopes as per Indian Vedic Astrology . This analysis is based on the placements, afflictions, conjunctions, transit, dashas weakness / strength of planets and Questions.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure...!


Guru Shri Ramchandra Badapanda Samantha

[ Chief Priest, Lord Jagannath Temple, Puri, Odisha, India ]

Childhood Obstacles ( Ballya Rista ) , Education , finance , Career , Love & Marriage , Health , Child Problem , Fatal Incidents , Other Personal Matters etc & Dream Analysis along with the Remedies of Planets & Vaastu in different ways i.e. Herbal , Mantra , Yantra , Tantra , Medicine , diet , Vedic Process , Psychological healing (Hypnosis) , Blessing Of Lord Jagannath both person & vastu , Vedic karmakandi like Bratopanayan ( Sacred Thread Ceremony ) , Marriage , Namakaran , Pratistha [ Vastu , Murti ] , Teaching , Vedic Karmakandi , Occult Science.

RUDRANSU ASTRO helps to prevent a mishap by timely advice. It gives Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Free Daily astro reports & Matching Horoscope, making perfect Birth Chat with rectified birth time. Rudransu Astro delivers accurate prediction in all areas of life, i.e. Childhood obstacles(Ballya Rista), Education, Finance, Career, Job, Travel, Love, Marriage, Health, Favorable color, Home, Vehicles, Child problem, Fatal incidents, Dream analysis, Lucky Name & other Personal matters, etc. along with the REMEDIES of Planets & Vastu in different ways i.e. Herbal, Tantra, Mantra, Yantra, Medicine, Diet, Vedic process & Psychological healing(Hypnosis), Haunted Person or House(Vastu) ,Vastu based interior decoration etc. All reports are delivered within a WEEK.

We provide astrological consultation after closely analyzing a birth chart / horoscope / horoscopes as per Indian Vedic Astrology . This analysis is based on the placements, afflictions, conjunctions, transit, dashas weakness / strength of planets and Questions.

It’s function invokes spiritual power (Pratistha) of Idol of Deities, Temples & Home (Vastu). It recommends Vedic Brahmin to ritual in Hindu ceremony i.e. Sacred Thread Ceremony (Brataupanayan), Wedding (Marriage), Naming (Namakaran), First eating rice (Annaprasan), First cutting hair (Mundan/ Chudakaran), Hole in ears (Karnaveda), etc.

It gives online teaching in Astrological Course & different Rituals (Pooja).

It gives the online JOB opportunity for Astrologer, Numerologist, Tarot card reader, Gem therapist, Psychics, Spell casters, Vedic Brahmins, Dream analyst & others related to Occult science and work from home.

Predictions are quite often found in different Magazines, Newspapers, Journals and electronic media based on either Sun sign or Moon sign that are neither specific to an individual nor as reliable as desired. Such predictions are based on the current transit of planets. This site provides predictions on the basis of placements, afflictions, conjunctions, transit, dashas, weakness / strength of planets and the transitory influence on a nativity since transitory influence and dashas play a major role in triggering an event in one’s life.

The predictions on this site are natal based ( as planetary influence is applied on an individual, the moment he or she is born) and are provided after casting one’s horoscope on the basis of the birth data (date, time and place of birth). In addition to that this site also provides astral remedies for each individual according to his/her particular Vedic ascendant.


Vedic astrology (called “Jyotish”, or the science of light) comes to us from India since times pre-dating the Christian era. It was not experimentally contrived, but rather perceived through enlightened vision by the ancient sage Parasara, who is considered the original author of the Vedic texts.  Only until recently have Vedic astrology readings been made available to people in western countries and around the world.


Vedic astrology (called “Jyotish”, or the science of light) comes to us from India since times pre-dating the Christian era. It was not experimentally contrived, but rather perceived through enlightened vision by the ancient sage Parasara, who is considered the original author of the Vedic texts.  Only until recently have Vedic astrology readings been made available to people in western countries and around the world.