Rudransu Astro



Vedic astrology (called “Jyotish”, or the science of light) comes to us from India since times pre-dating the Christian era. It was not experimentally contrived, but rather perceived through enlightened vision by the ancient sage Parasara, who is considered the original author of the Vedic texts.  Only until recently have Vedic astrology readings been made available to people in western countries and around the world.

Vedic philosophy and Vedic astrology readings assume the law of karma, which states that a human being lives and works within certain parameters created by actions performed in prior lifetimes. Thus it is generally regarded as predictive in nature — it can show when the results of such prior actions will come to fruition in the present life.  Robert Koch has a special skill in defining the nature of karma in his astrology readings, both regarding the past life and in the present life as well.

People in western countries have recently become interested in Vedic astrology and Vedic astrology readings, since collective trends toward advancement in consciousness now require different tools with which to give definition to the challenges of life. Given that people of all cultures are at a crossroads in their collective spiritual development, Vedic astrology is rapidly becoming known as a very effective tool in giving clarity to resolving the dilemmas of life.

Life Style

Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. Sometimes your life style can be affected by Numerology. If you want to know about your life style kindly provide following details.


Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. If you have any type of financial problems do not worry just give the following information I will give you a solution.

Love & Marriage

Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. Marriage plays a vital role in your life both socially and financially. If you have any type of marriage related problems do not worry just give the following information I will give you a solution.


Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. If you have any type of health related problems do not worry just give the following information I will give you a solution.


Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. If you have any type of education related problems do not worry just give the following information I will give you a solution.

Profession / Career

Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. Career or profession is the backbone of everyone’s life. If you have any career/ profession related problems do not worry just give the following information I will give u the solution.

Fatal Incidents

Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. Man proposes god disposes.If you have any fatal incidents related problems do not worry just give the following information I will give u the solution.


Numbers means a set of digits. Without digits astronomy has no existence. Who makes your dreams true and keep you alive. f you have any children related problems do not worry just give the following information I will give u the solution.